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The Mens and Women’s TTTA Club Championships were held on Wednesday 8th July at the Traralgon Stadium complex in Davidson Street, Traralgon. As the competition is a knockout tournament, the committee decided on a separate competition for the evening of another ‘fun doubles’ competition. We had enjoyed one of these earlier in the year as part of a fund-raising night and everyone had such a good time so we did it again. The top players pair up with the lower players in a handicapped doubles event. The whole club enjoys the friendliness and camaraderie this brings plus it is quite a mental exercise developing different and creative ways to win.

The TTTA Women’s Championship was contested by eight members and came down to a face-off between last year’s champion Helen Procak and runner up Leonie Degnan. Leonie’s defensive skill set her in front early in the match but Helen’s tenacity in attack won the day in the 5th tie-breaking game at 11 to 9 points. It was an extremely tense and entertaining game for the crowd watching.

The TTTA Men’s Championship also came down to last years winner Mick Warr and runner-up, his brother Stephen Warr. Mick has had some extra experience this year representing Victoria in the Veterans Table Tennis Nationals so it was no surprise that he also defended his title with match score of 3-1. The match was keenly watched by everyone as these two brothers demonstrate another level of skill than most of us will ever achieve.

Below are some pictures of the singles matches leading to the Club Championship plus some pics of the Handicapped Doubles enjoyed by all.

L to R: Jack Ashton, Mal Kerr (ump), Brent Causon serving to Noel Burns.

2015 Championship 001

L to R: Greg Imhagwe, Peter Gomez, Jason Comrie, Peter Chojnacki, Mick Warr & Victor Scicluna

2015 Championship 004

Max Zygarlicki (ump), Jack Ashton and Steve Boyd

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Guri Soni warming up.

2015 Championship 008

Guri Soni with Ricky Johnston

2015 Championship 011

John Alexander (umpire), Heather Wilson & Helen Procak.

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2015 Championship 031

Victor Scicluna & Peter Chojnacki

2015 Championship 018

Neil Chilver serves to Geoff Ely with Tony Hiriart umpiring.

2015 Championship 021

Peter Chojnacki

2015 Championship 023

Warwick Landy against Steve Warr with Doug Schoer umpiring

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2015 Championship 040

L to R: Max Zygarlicki (ump), Jaymin Marino & Peter Rigall

2015 Championship 034
2015 Championship 046

L to R: Jenny Taulau (ump) Leonie Degnan & Kerryn Dooley

2015 Championship 030

L to R: Peter Rigall, Steve Boyd (ump), Mal Kerr & Cory Berkhout

2015 Championship 039

Mick Warr vs Ricky Johnston with Guri Soni umpiring

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2015 Championship 044
2015 Championship 041

L to R: Jamie Sjamsudin, Jason Comrie and Peter Gomez (umpire)

2015 Championship 043

Guri Soni serving to Peter Chojnacki

2015 Championship 047

Jack Ashton, Peter Gomez, Neil Chilver & Geoff Spowart with Jenny Taulau umpiring

2015 Championship 049

Semi Finals: Steve Boyd & Mick Warr

2015 Championship 057
2015 Championship 058a

Mal Kerr defending hard against Steve Warr

2015 Championship 053

Semi Finals: Peter Gomez vs Steve Warr

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2015 Championship 064

L to R: Kerryn Dooley, Doug Schoer, Peter Chojnacki & Brent Causon

2015 Championship 067

L to R: Heather Wilson (ump), Helen Procak, Geoff Ely, John Alexander & Leonie Degnan

2015 Championship 096

Semi Finals (Doubles): Steve Warr, Jeanette Herban, John Alexander andLeonie Degnan

2015 Championship 107
2015 Championship 104

Doubles Final: Peter & Brent (Runners up) vs John and Leonie (Winners)

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2015 TTTA Women’s Championship

L to R: Helen Procak (Title defender) vs Leonie Degnan

2015 Championship 081

Leonie’s classic pose for receiving serve

2015 Championship 085

Leonie Degnan Runner-up

a Leonie Degnan (runner-up) TTTA Womens Championship 2015

Helen Procak - Women’s Champion 2015

a Helen Procak (winner) TTTA Womens Championship 2015

2015 TTTA Men’s Championship

Mick Warr serves to brother Stephen Warr

2015 Championship 089

Mick successfully defends his title of Men’s Champion.

a Mick Warr (winner) serves to his brother Stephen Warr (runner-up) TTTA Men's Championship 2015

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